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Employer advice on working hours in Ireland

We provide working time advice based on the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997, so you always work on the right side of the law.

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Here to help you make sense of the Working Time Act

The Organisation of Working Time Act (OWTA) governs many of the day-to-day matters surrounding employment. More specifically, it governs working hours. It was introduced to protect the health & safety of all employees, including those in full-time or part-time employment, under a contract of employment, apprenticeship, or employed through an agency.
Importantly, certain industries have unique working time rules, which is why it’s important to contact Employers Direct if you’re unsure about working hours.
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Expert advice on all aspects of working hours

At Employers Direct, we offer expert advice on the Working Time Act in Ireland, exclusively for employers. We provide advice on all aspects of staff working hours, including
- Maximum working hours
- Rest break entitlements
- Industry-specific rules
- Sunday premium pay
For immediate advice on any aspect of the Working Time Act, call Employers Direct now on Get free advice now.

We’ve provided thousands of employers with working hours advice…

And we can help you, too.

Employers contact us each day and ask questions like, how many hours is full-time work in Ireland, and what are the maximum working hours per week in Ireland?

The answers we give to these questions are based on the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997. So, whatever questions you have on working hours, you can be sure you’re getting advice that keeps you on the right side of the law.

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Why speak to Employers Direct?

Whatever the workplace relations issue, our employment law advisors take the weight off your shoulders and allow you to get on with running your business. Call Employers Direct now on Get free advice now
- 24-hours, seven days a week free advice line for employers
- Trusted by over 28,500 clients in Ireland and the UK
- Advisors trained in employment law in Ireland

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This service is for Irish Employers and Business Owners only