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Free expert advice for employers

Employers Direct isn’t the first stop for employment law advice ― it’s the only stop.

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Whatever you're facing, get expert legal advice?

How Employers Direct can help

Exclusive to employers, we have over 30 years’ experience providing expert advice to Irish businesses like yours. We provide employer-only advice tailored to your unique business issue. we listen to what you want to achieve, empowering you to make decisions that work for your business. 100% free to call, we cover areas such as:

– Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) claims
– Contracts
– Disciplinary measures
– Employee and health & safety issues
– Long-term sick leave and redundancy
– Maternity leave and holiday pay

All it takes is a call

It’s true. One phone call could set you on the path to solving an ongoing business problem. In the event you require continued support, we have a full suite of services available including:

- Documentation
- Fully indemnified advice
- Workplace Relations
- Commission representation

Employers Direct. Free employment law advice you can trust. Call us today or Get free advice now or Request a call back.

Why speak to Employers Direct?

Whatever the workplace relations issue, our employment law advisors take the weight off your shoulders and allow you to get on with running your business. Call Employers Direct now on Get free advice now
- 24-hours, seven days a week free advice line for employers
- Trusted by over 28,500 clients in Ireland and the UK
- Advisors trained in employment law in Ireland

Speak to an expert now

98% of employers get the query resolved with us in a first call

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This service is for Irish Employers and Business Owners only