Were here to answer any questions you might have with expert ease. Nothing is too much of an ask at employers direct, check a few examples below.
Employers Direct is here to help small business owners in Ireland. So if you manage staff and have a question about HR or employment law, you’re in the right place.
You can call Employers Direct whenever you have a question or concern about managing staff. That includes issues relating to dismissals, conduct, absences, and more.
The Employers Direct helpline is 100% free to use. And you can call whenever you need support – it’s unlimited advice for all employers in Ireland.
When you call Employers Direct, you’ll speak to an Ireland-based employment law expert. Our advisers have years of experience in supporting business owners through complex situations, like redundancies or TUPE.
www.employersdirect.ie is an intermediary of Peninsula Business Services – Ireland’s leading expert in HR and employment law support. Information provided here will only be used by Peninsula Business Services and www.employersdirect.ie for advice. By providing personal information, you give explicit consent for all information to be used in this way unless you inform employersdirect.ie otherwise.
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information you need, for free.
Call our 24/7 advice line on
1800 992 222