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Parental leave advice for employers

Get the latest on parental leave entitlements in Ireland with Employers Direct.

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Here to help you understand parental leave in Ireland

Parental leave lets a parent take either one continuous period of leave or several discontinuous periods of leave. It’s up to your employee to tell you how they want to take it, but you can insist that the leave is taken in a continuous 14-week block. As is often the case when it comes to tricky Irish employment legislation, it’s best to get advice from the experts. And when it comes to parental leave, there’s nobody better than an Employers Direct advisor.
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Practical parental leave advice

Get answers to your most pressing parental leave questions, such as:
- Is parental leave paid in Ireland?
- Can parental leave be refused in Ireland?
- How long is parental leave in Ireland?
…and more. Ready to learn the rules around parental leave? Speak to a HR expert for free.

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Thousands of businesses rely on Employers Direct for parental leave advice

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And since we follow Workplace Relations Commission Codes (WRC) of Practice, you can be confident you’re acting within Irish employment law.

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Whatever the workplace relations issue, our employment law advisors take the weight off your shoulders and allow you to get on with running your business. Call Employers Direct now on Get free advice now
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- Trusted by over 28,500 clients in Ireland and the UK
- Advisors trained in employment law in Ireland

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This service is for Irish Employers and Business Owners only