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Employer support on break times entitlements at work

Ensure your employees are receiving their required breaks at work by talking to the experts about all things break times.

professional man in business suit on break and having a cup of coffee
professional man in business suit on break and having a cup of coffee
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Your obligations regarding breaks at work in Ireland…

Under the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997, you have an obligation as an employer to provide your employees with the appropriate rest periods each day and week. The Act sets out the statutory rights for employees in respect of rest, maximum working time, and holidays. But why is this Act so important? Well, if you don’t give your staff their entitled breaks, you could find yourself before the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) facing an employee claim…
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Advice that keeps you on the right side of legislation

At Employers Direct, we always provide advice based on the latest employment legislation. In the case of breaktimes, we’ll answer your questions on areas such as:
- The law regarding break times at work in Ireland
- Employee entitlement for breaks at work
- The rest period between shifts
…and much more.

We help employers understand the legislation on breaks at work

Daily rest periods at work are not only important for your staff, but also for your business.

Knowing what breaktimes to allocate to employees working different shifts is essential when creating a healthy business. The times should also be outlined in each employee’s contract of employment.

Our advice is based on the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997, so whatever questions you have on breaktimes, you can be sure you’re getting advice that keeps you on the right side of the law.

people in suits on breaktime laughing and joking
people in suits on breaktime laughing and joking

Why speak to Employers Direct?

Whatever the workplace relations issue, our employment law advisors take the weight off your shoulders and allow you to get on with running your business. Call Employers Direct now on Get free advice now
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- Trusted by over 28,500 clients in Ireland and the UK
- Advisors trained in employment law in Ireland

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This service is for Irish Employers and Business Owners only